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Careless cultivate runs way evenly
From;  Author:Stand originally
" careless cultivate runs way evenly " already the 2nd times standing conference discussed the Ministry of Agriculture on January 7, 2005 through, grant to announce now, apply since March 1, 2005.
Minister: Du Qinglin
2 OO5 year on January 19

Careless cultivate runs way evenly
The first is mixed for protection, construction reasonable use a prairie, safeguard and improve zoology environment, stimulative stock raising can develop continuously, basis " law of prairie of People's Republic of China " , make this way.
The 2nd uses a prairie to be engaged in stock raising manufacturing the unit of management activity and individual in churchyard of People's Republic of China, ought to observe this way.
The 3rd country executes careless cultivate to balance a system to the prairie.
This method place calls careless cultivate the balance, it is to point to to maintain prairie ecosystem benign loop, inside proper time, the person that the prairie is used or contract the amount of forage grass feed that operator can use gross of forage grass feed and the domestic animals place that its raise to need through what prairie and other way get maintains dynamic balance.
The 4th begins careless cultivate to balance the job to ought to hold to the following principle:
(one) strengthen protection, close to set out is exhibited;
(2) decide cultivate with grass, add grass to add cultivate;
(3) adjust measures to local conditions, classification is directive;
(4) successive, carry out stage by stage.
Careless cultivate of whole nation of director of the 5th Ministry of Agriculture controls administrative job evenly.
Administration of prairie of government of people of place of prefectural class above is in charge of a branch to be in charge of the careless cultivate inside area of politics of one's own profession supervising management to work evenly.
The prairie that branch of director of administration of prairie of government of people of prefectural class above establishs supervises an administration to be in charge of the particular job that careless cultivate balances.
The propagandist education that branch of director of administration of prairie of government of people of above of class of the 6th county ought to strengthen careless cultivate to balance grooms, popularize careless cultivate to balance knowledge, popularize careless cultivate to balance a technology, those who realize prairie resource is sustainable use.
Branch of director of administration of prairie of government of people of above of class of the 7th county ought to strengthen a prairie to protect construction, stabilize and improve prairie productivity; Support, encourage and guide farming type of work of herdsman executive person is careless, lay in forage grass feed, breed of improved domestic animals, carry out the circle that abandon raise to raise, accelerate drove have enough to meet need, those who reduce natural prairie depasture intensity.
The 8th Ministry of Agriculture can be collected according to the type of countrywide prairie, productivity, domestic animals feed the fundamental condition such as scale, make and announce a prairie to carry cultivate to measure a level.
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